Saturday, December 12, 2015

DNC stands for "Don't Nominate Clinton"

If Hillary Clinton wins the Democratic Party’s nomination for president, then I am out!  I will cease to be a registered Democrat.  If the candidate with a multi-billion dollar political franchise wins the Democratic nomination, then our political process has truly failed us; both parties are then the parties of greedy, quid pro quo, status quo, disingenuous, establishment, business-as-usual politics.

In my mind, there is only one candidate who can truly represent not only the message that Democrats have been pushing for years, but the message in which most Americans actually believe.  That candidate is Bernie Sanders.

Come 2016, the only cheddar I want DNC to smell is that sharp Vermont gold, not the gold spilling out of Hillary’s pockets.  If Democrats are serious about the biggest issues of our time such as global warming and income inequality, they will not nominate someone who is paid by Wall Street execs to make speeches about the country’s economy; they will not elect someone with a Super PAC that takes advantage of the campaign finance loopholes Bernie Sanders intends to close.

The only real concern that I have heard regarding Sanders’s broader appeal is his connectivity with African-American voters.  Hillary’s record is no doubt stronger in terms of engagement and involvement with the black community.  However, should Bernie win the nomination, I have a hard time believing that a demographic that historically votes Democrat 90 percent of the time will feel so snubbed as to let Trump, or Cruz, or Rubio walk into the White House unchallenged.

Bernie’s message is the message.  His campaign is the campaign.  His candidacy is the candidacy.  There is no other, and it is time for the Democratic Party to put its money where its mouth is…and then chew…and then swallow.

1 comment:

  1. As a life-long Republican, I am thrilled that Hillary is in the race. If she is nominated, it means I can vote for someone who espouses Republican principles in the tradition of Goldwater, Nixon, and Reagan -- as opposed to the clown car candidates currently seeking the Republican nomination...
